Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Keep praying for Kaleb!

From him mom's journal - Tuesday
Kaleb is doing so well. He had therapies today and responded great to them. He had is eyes half way open. During this time I walked across the room and he followed me with his eyes. And yesterday, he smiled at his dad. They also capped his trach today and he was able to breathe through his nose and mouth. They did this twice today for 20 minutes each time. He handeled the capping very good. His respitory therapist said that usually when you cap for the first time, patients cough a lot, but not my boy, he sat there and took it like a "LITTLE MAN". Kaleb made a bunch of noises when they capped off his trach. His father and I were talking to him and he moved his mouth and made sounds like he wanted to talk right back to us. The improvement this past week has been AMAZING