Monday, November 21, 2005

Black Turkey - the day after

The turkey was GREAT! Hard to believe but it really was wonderful. We all had a wonderful day. We finally got around to making the caramel, Macadamia nut white chocolate coated pretzels about 8 last night. I dipped them into caramel, Zac and Andie, dipped them into the nuts, Andi and Nana finished them up. They were pretty good. You should try to make a batch. I gave some away today and everyone liked them.
Andi has really been cultivating her Betty Crocker gene. Her career goal is to write a cookbook called "Nana's Southern Cooking" and retire, living off the royalties and baking all day. She has made a torte, a tart and now a pumpkin roll in the last month. I never would have expected it. She has never particularly cared for cooking - now she wants to do it all the time. Maybe having a real kitchen to work in has helped that along. Here she is with her pumpkin roll she made yesterday. All the pumpkin lovers loved it.

Today Bill and I worked around the house, cleaning gutters, raking leaves and stuff like that. He also rented a "snake" and cleaned all the roots growing in the sewer lines...........and there were many.

After that we all went out for Chinese food and to shop for my Christmas gift. Billski is getting me a new computer. My old computer will be turned into an educational game only computer for the kids and there will be NO games installed on my new one. Well, except for Bill's Civilization games. So my part in the whole computer search was to pick a keyboard and a monitor. I can handle that. Bill will do the rest. Very excited about this present.