Friday, November 25, 2005

Mother's Day in November?

No matter how you look at it, I have had a great day! I woke up to a surprise from my husband, who had hit the store at 5 am, giving up his planned hunting trip to grab a great deal for me. My new computer was up and running before I was even out of bed. It is so nice and I love it. It has a flat screen and that is great for us. It makes so much room on my desk, so that the kids can lay their school books up here now for help. After checking out my gift, I had a breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls that Andi delivered to me last night. I lounged around with the kids, watching Polar Express. I spent some time setting up my new computer and loading all the games onto theirs. Late this afternoon, I watched a great basketball game where Duke won by 2 points. Bill "insisted" we order pizza for dinner and well, I'm not one to argue with my husband. So we did. Right after the ballgame, my wonderful, wonderful, friend, Vicki, brought me a bag of fresh caramel corn that she had just made with her daughters. The kids have Christmas play practice in the morning and then Andi and I will be taking them to the circus. Jacob went once several years ago, but the others have never been. It should be fun for us all. As much as I don't like the circus, I know I will like watching them enjoy it.