Thursday, October 20, 2005

Well, I was going to go read blogs but

the first one I chose tagged me, so now I am writing 20 things about myself - courtesy of Fireflies and Frogs. So here is my list - which I will try to make different than that on my profile area.

1. I love broiled Brown Sugar Cinnamon toast and I always make a big pan of it to eat the night before I start a diet.

2. I start a diet frequently so that I can make a big pan of it.

3. I was a flag girl for 4 years in high school band.

4. Just about every judge in my initial try out said I twisted my butt too much, but they all gave me extremely high scores anyway.

5. I probably did....twist too much. I was a sassy gal.

6. I think the judges must have sat around and discussed it because why else would all these judges come up with the same comment?

7. I still have all those judging reports in a box in my laundry room with notes from my boyfriends, grade cards, old pictures and stuff like that.

8. I have no idea why I am saving them.

9. We did "the bump" during our routine and were considered scandalous.

10. It's true what my husband says - that women can talk forever about nothing. I just made 7 things out of 1. So, that's enough about that and I am halfway through my list.

11. I am torn about what to have my future grandchild call me -- should there ever be one. "Oh Best Grandmother of all" seems a bit formal.

12. I wish my stepsister- Becky, lived closer to me. I love her mom and I know I would love her too.

13. I would never let Trading Spaces do a room in my home.

14. I once won an award for children's photography and had a photograph of Andi published in a magazine. It was a very formal picture and everyone advised against entering it, because "cutsie" pictures always win. I suppose she was irresistible. Or else "everyone" was just wrong. As often happens.

15. 2 weeks ago a man at church whom I would never think of even thinking something like this told me that he thought I was a great mom and that he admired me. I was flabbergasted and still can't believe he noticed, much less took the time to tell me. We have probably never talked 10 minutes total. It made my day. And made me cry.

16. I have recently accepted the fact that my dad is not Superman and that makes me cry every time I think of it.

17. I am not normally a crier.

18. I make an absolutely delicious caramel dip for apples (or pretzels or to smear on bread and broil it) It is great for fall parties.

19. I only go to Mexican restaurants for the chips and salsa and the company....... OK and the occasional margarita.

20. I am - without a doubt - one of the strictest parents I know. I have no intention of changing that either.