Friday, October 21, 2005

I won a blogging award for humor - - I'm going to be rich, be famous, go to Hollywood and have a movie made about my life!

OK - well, maybe that last part.........everything after I won is stretching the truth, but that is what the kids are chanting as they dance around the kitchen. Wait, I'll be right back, I have to sign an autograph.

OK - I'm back. I thought I had to sign an autograph - I actually had to grade a math paper. Oh well. At the encouragment of several (3 is several, right?) readers, I entered a contest in the humor department using my blog entry
and I won! Now I am going to be published in a book called Juggling with Hamsters; "Raising Amazing kids without chasing your tail". And I won a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse magazine. Very excited about that.

So now you can read my blog and not feel like you are just wasting your time - you are reading powerful stuff here!