Saturday, October 22, 2005

We ARE NOT those kind of people......

June - 2004 - Father's Day. After church the kids and I take Billski out to lunch and to buy his gift. He had picked it out and wanted me to see it. Not our normal way of doing things, but I'm a flexible sort of gal, so I said Okee Dokee.

Till I saw what he wanted. During the previous month I had made a bunk bed for Wes and Ryan. It is a twin over a double and Bill had made 2 trips to the mattress store to pick up the mattresses I ordered. And while he was there, he picked out one for us too.

Now, basically I had no problem with this. We needed a new mattress. My back hurt. His back hurt. Our mattress was in dire need of replacement. When you can fold a queen mattress in fourths - it's time for a new one.

But NOT the one he picked out. He wanted me to lay on it. I said, "No. We are not the kind of people to spend 2 thousand dollars on a mattress." I pulled him over to the "other" side of the store, where the normal people shop. I had him lay on a cheap (in comparison) mattress. Hmm, OK, now he drug me back to "his" side and asked me to lay down on the mattress. I reiterated for him, "No. We are not the kind of people to spend 2 thousand dollars on a mattress." And I added for good measure........... "you are wasting your time over here. If you want a mattress as a gift, let's go pick one out." So back we go to Normalville. We lay on several mattresses. After each one he politely asks me to go lay on his choice and after each request I give my standard robotic reply.
Till he got mad. And sorta had a tizz in the store. And reminded me that it was Father's Day and if all he wanted was for me to LAY on a mattress - even if we didn't buy it, was THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!!!

So I apologize and scurry over to "his" side of the store and lay on his choice of mattress for approximately 10 seconds before I come to a startling realization..............

We ARE those kind of people! And the kind that bought the 80 dollar pillows to go with it. I love my mattress. I love the way it cuddles me. You know the commercial where the wine glass is sitting on the bed and they drop the bowling ball and the wine doesn't spill? Believe it! I have had so many people lie on my bed - dressed of course - just so they can become believers too. And they all have. Bill can crawl into bed, get out of bed, roll over, I suppose he could even gut a deer in bed and I would never know it. The only down side to this deep wonderful sleep is that you can't feel it when a kid crawls into bed with you either. Bill works nights, so I start out in bed alone - but when I wake up in the morning I hear the steady breathing of at least one and usually more than one child behind me. When I roll over to look at them, they don't even move - they are in the wonderful world of sleep that a comfy mattress provides.

So when that tax return money rolls in next year and you suddenly realize you have all this spare money and nothing to do with it....take a trip to Crazy Larry's and tell them Perri sent you. And enjoy the sleep of your life.