Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Well, push my buttons

What is it about pushing buttons that just turn normally well behaved children into trampling, pushing, shoving, marauders? Picture the guys on the CITI bank commercials. My kids love to push buttons. Yes, sometimes mine - but I mean physically push a little, generally round shaped object that makes something go. Is it a power trip? I don't know. What I do know is that I can get the clothes put from the washer to the dryer with absolutely no resistance because they can push the button to start the dryer. I can get them to start the dishwasher with a smile because they can push the button. I am looking into inventing a bed maker that works by button.

In motels, - if I would allow it - the boys would be all-star basketball players blocking out the button panel so that they can be the ones to push the button to swish us magically away. Carly, meanwhile, would be playing leapfrog over their backs to be the one to push it. They of course, have to take turns, but we have been known to go up and down and extra time so that everyone can push the button - 2 up and 2 down.

I think that is part of the reason I love to shop at Kohl's. Never mind the sales. Their main attraction is the double doors - with individual buttons to open each door. So we just have to go in and out once and everybody gets their turn.

Kohls - the store built with moms in mind.