Saturday, October 22, 2005

A home town visit today

Took the kids on a trip to my home town today. It was a trip that originally started out because I was going to pick up a table I bought at an antique mall (which I intend to take apart and use the top for something else). I showed the kids the schools I went to, the hosue I grew up in, the drainage ditch I used to play in, the park where I learned to ride my bike, the newspaper store where I used to go with my grandpa, the drug store where their grandmother worked - all sorts of things. We had lunch at my all time favorite place for fried chicken....which is now their all time favorite place for fried chicken. We visited with my aunts who we hadn't seen for several years. We went to the cememtary and they saw where their great grandparents, great great grandparents and great great great grandparents are buried while we got a family history lesson from my cousin who has done the family geneology. Quite a lot to take in. The weather was beautiful and we all had a great day together.