Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ryan turns 6 tomorrow

making me the mom of 3 kids who are 6 year old. This always makes for a lot of questions when people ask the kids how old they are. 2 of the 3 little ones are always the same age since Carly is 5 months older than Wes and Wes is 5 months older than Ryan. So I guess as long as people ask the kids how old they are, we will always be explaining how our family came to be.

Zac just dropped by with a birthday card for Ryan and when Ryan asked him how he knew it was his birthday, Zac gave the standard "a little bird told me" answer. After Zac left, Ryan wanted to go see "the bird." I ask him what he is talking about and he tells me he wants to go see the bird that talks to Zac. There is no convincing him that no such bird exist.