Sunday, September 11, 2005

A picture of a picture - so it's not very clear

Here is a picture of our house by the lake. My friend Kim was telling me that she didn't know that we had moved from here because I got pregnant with Jacob. She reads my blog, so I thought I would put a picture up so she could see it. It's kinda hard to tell, but if you look in the second story, you see where the bedrooms opened out of french doors onto the balcony overlooking the living room. The bottom glass window are in the atrium. The deck off the second floor came out of our bedroom and went around the side of the house. Before we moved, we had built a pier and boat dock for swimming and diving. But you can see how close it sits to the lake, so I'm sure my fears of a toddler getting out of the house and into the lake were quite justified. It was a cool house though with a spiral staircase, and black marble floors and beautiful wood throughout it. But in reality - I traded this house for the chance to stay home and be a mom to my baby. And because of that baby, we ended up with 3 more children. I certainly got the best end of that trade.