Thursday, September 08, 2005

Took Jacob to the ER last night

Jacob has been puking since Sunday at noon. Every bite of food he has eaten we have seen again. I finally got past thinking stomach bug and was thinking more along the lines of appendicitis. Which was the doctor's first thought too - based on how long this has been going on. So he ran some blood tests to check his white cells and potassium levels and they were fine. So it is just a nasty stomach bug.

Well, the dr. offered me the choice of a shot of Phenegren or a suppository and when I said shot, Jacob looked at me like I was a crazy traitorous woman....right up until the dr. left and I told him what a suppository was -- then he told me I was the best mom in the world. He gave us some pills too, but Jacob couldn't keep them down, so unfortunately, during the night he had to find out what a suppository was up close and personal. He has not been able to eat since Sunday morning and he is hunnnnnnngry - so he just had some breakfast - we will see if it stays down or not. At least he is full for the moment.

When we were leaving the hospital around midnight, the dr. asked Jacob if he was Superman - because he had on a Superman shirt. Jacob said, "Yes, I am, and it's past Superman's bedtime." Funny kid - even when he is sick as a dog.