Sunday, September 11, 2005

At the request of my bloggin buddy

Patricia, here are some things you may or may not have always wondered. I'm making them up as I go along....

7 things I plan to do before I die:

  • become a grandmother (OK, this is planned - not spur of the moment)
  • take my kids to see the ocean and the mountains
  • talk my husband into discarding all dead deer hanging from our living room wall
  • homeschool our children through 12th grade
  • shave my legs without missing half the hair on my kneecaps
  • give my testimony on the power of prayer at a ladies meeting at church
  • see the invention of a combo washer/dryer machines in one unit so you don't have to switch your clothes over. If it folds too, so much the better.

7 things I can do:

  • make just about anybody laugh
  • dance with my kids without any inhibitions
  • juggle 5 bowling pins at once - blindfolded
  • not bid higher than my original bid when I get that dreaded "You've been outbid" notice from eBay
  • make an outstanding cheesecake from scratch
  • look at something and decide "I can do that" and build it out of wood
  • twirl a baton, throw it in the air, spin totally around and catch it -- - tah dah! Years of lessons finally put to a good use
7 things I cannot do:

  • Juggle -- at all - OK, so I lied, but you were really impressed for about 10 seconds or so - admit it
  • whistle between my teeth or with my fingers - something I have always wanted to do
  • make small talk with people who annoy the crap out of me
  • watch kids misbehave and not say anything - even if their parents are right there and stay silent
  • french braid hair
  • play the piano although I can play the organ (more lessons from my childhood) -- also had tennis lessons which I haven't really put to good use either come to think of it
  • back up a trailer - something I need to learn to do

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex: Now I won't say attract, I will say I notice these things:

  • do they love God and their family
  • do they help their wives with the kids and the chores
  • do they help at their church with odd jobs
  • do their wives say nice things about them
  • do they flirt with other women
  • do they respect their wife
  • do they have a good sense of humor

7 things that I say most often:

  • I love you too
  • You're welcome
  • Thank you
  • We'll see
  • Yes, you may
  • No, you cannot do that to your sister/brother (apply as needed)
  • Get your shoes on, it's time to go
I don't really have 7 celebrity crushes but Hill Harper off of CSI NY is just about the best looking actor around. Reminds Andi and me of Grant Hill - who played for Duke during two of our many NCAA championships.
Here's a picture of Hill Harper on the left and Grant Hill on the right. See what I mean?

Now if anyone else wants to do these questions on your blog, let me know so I can check out your answers.

PS. Several hours have passed and I have been thinking. My organ lessons weren't useless because they taught me to read music and that came in handy in band and in church. My baton lessons weren't useless because they enabled me to GIVE baton lessons during high school and I could make as much in a couple of hours as my friends did working every day after school and on Saturdays. So thanks for the lessons mom.