Tuesday, September 20, 2005

KONOS Anyone?

I am looking for opinions on the KONOS system for homeschooling. Do you use it or know someone who does? Are you/they happy with it? Is it really good for multi-level teaching? What is the reading list like? I can't find that bit of info anywhere. Anything you can tell me to help me make this decision will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Question of the day from Jacob - WHAT IF when we are camping tomorrow and we are all riding our bikes at the campground and Ryan and Wes are racing and somebody's wheel touches somebody else's wheel and there is a wreck and I fall over them because I am just cruising along behind them like I am in a parade and then Carly runs over us all because she is riding her bike with one hand up in the air and her feet stuck straight out so she can't get her brakes on in time to stop and then we have to ALL go to the emergency room and everyone has to get stitches at the same time? Who do you think will be the bravest? Ryan Who do you think will scream the most? Wes WHAT IF we ALL have a broken arm at the same time? Lord, let this just be a long question and not a vision. Will we still have to have school in the camper? Why, yes you will little man, so don't go makin' any crazy plans. WHAT IF this really happens mom, who will buckle us in our car seats while we all have casts on our arms? We will work that out when the time comes. WHAT IF it happens and nobody cries - can we have a milkshake? Yes. A large one from D.Q.? Indeed -and a burger to boot, because there is no chance of that happening (the not crying part. I'm not taking bets on the other.)