Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A bit of an update on the family

Well, it's a school week - much to the dismay of the children. We actually had school Saturday and Sunday this past weekend too, because we are going camping tomorrow with my mom for a few days. Ahh, the beauty of homeschooling.

We ended last week with a picnic at the park with my friend, Heidi, who homeschools her 4 kids. The kids played and hiked while she and I sat on the park benches, yakking, only moving when it was necessary to go to another as the sun shifted. We had a great time as we sat there for over three hours.

Jacob just had a revelation as he lay on the kitchen floor doing his English. "My feet stink and my shoes do too. I can smell them from here." Great. Since we just came from the orthodontist, I suppose he could smell Jake's stinky feet too. They normally don't stink. Right now they just have that funky "end of summer, feet have been stuffed in flip flops for MONTHS smell." So I sent him off to wash his feet and his shoes - which turned into an adventure in bubble land. He had the hugest bubble coming out the end of his shoes. That kid could have a good time doing absolutely anything. Here he is showing me the bubble - his fingers are actually inside it. It was pretty cool. Notice the dirty bath water. Well, he wore those shoes yesterday digging in the flower beds, so thankfully I can assure you that Jacob's feet weren't that dirty - but I'm guessing the bottom of the stinky flip flops were.

The boys are all going to a Tae Kwon Do "buddy class" tonight with friends, so I am already mentally preparing for the barrage of "hi-yahs" and kicks that are sure to be heard in the next few days. Makes me doubly glad we will be camping and they can karate chop the trees if they want. I'm praying we can get through this camping adventure with no stitches or x-rays.