Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Small town doctors

I just love 'em. I took Ryan to the ER to get his stitches out Sunday as we had been instructed. The dr. who put them in was on duty and wanted to leave them in a few more days - so we were to go back today. I took Jacob to see his dr. on Monday for a sore throat (sinus drainage). They put him on Zyrtec. When we were there, the dr. checked out Wesley's eye (he had also seen him in the ER) and Ryan's stitches. Well, today when we go back to the ER, we sign in and they take us back to a room. The dr. who had glued Wesley's eye gash was on duty today. So he went to take out Ryan's stitches and lo and behold - they were gone. Seems he must have caught them on a tooth sometime since last night when he showed them to his uncle, Chad, he has either swallowed them or spit them out. So stitch removal was painless I suppose. The ER doctor today was also the one who had stopped to buy a snow cone and referencing how yummy that snowcone was, headed off to get the kids (and me) a freezy pop. While he was gone, our family dr. wandered through and did a quick check on Jacob's nose and throat. So we basically got 3 re-checks and 5 freezy pops - no charge.

Gotta love a small town.