Thursday, August 18, 2005

Counting my blessings

Well, I'm following the blessing count from Sara's blog and the challenge is to find 10 things you are thankful for within 1 meter of where you sit. Obviously this chain began somewhere they use metric - so for the rest of us this is 3.2 feet or roughly a yard.

So here is my list and reasons:

1. 4 of my kids -

Jacob - who is asking me if he can fix breakfast - and he does. Milk, waffles and bananas for each of them.

Carly - who just got out of bed and is leaning on my shoulder reading what I am typing, which brings more blessings - that at this time of the morning she is here instead of at school and that she can read. The fact that she is wearing a Duke Basketball shirt reminds me it is almost basketball season - a fun time for our family to get together so that is another blessing.

Wesley - who just tromped by with his 'maginatin' at work. He has an empty Kleenex box on one foot, his other leg encased in Diet Coke 12 pack box like a cast, the bathroom cup on his hand with a face cloth on his hand under it hanging out for some unknown reason and in his other hand - the comb I just used to tame his hair with, but now it has been transformed into a sword.

Ryan - who has just informed me he is doing good in school today so he can feed the fish with his daddy later today -- which makes me thankful for the fish tank gurgling about a yard to my right if it makes Ryan want to learn.

2. The "Leading Little Ones To God" book that I read to the kids each morning while they eat. I have found this to be a great time to read because they are quietly eating and I have their attention. This is a great book. It is explained in simple terms and throughout a series of short stories has helped enable me to lead Jacob and just recently, Wesley to God.

3. My bills - including my house mortgage payment. I'm thankful that my husband works hard and earns enough money that I do not have to spend time worrying about what is going to be paid and what is going to have to wait another week or so. I'm thankful we have a house that is comfortable and clean.

4. An envelope with receipts in it for donated items to church. I am thankful for my church, my church family and all of the things our church does for our community and for missions.

5. A stack of insurance EOBs regarding the kids dentist appointments. As frustrating at it is dealing with insurance companies some time, I am certainly thankful and blessed to have affordable insurance for our family.

6. A bulletin board covered with pictures of my kids, including one of them all on Adoption Day. What a blessing that was - and is. There is a picture of Zac on a recent visit. I'm always happy to see him. A picture of Ryan at Bible School last year. One of the four little kids together, lying on the floor with their heads all together. There is a picture of Andi and I on a 2 week trip that we took to Colorado and New Mexico a few years ago while Bill stayed home with the other kids. It is a blessing to be able to afford to travel and a bigger blessing to not worry about the kids while I do. There is also a picture of a wood-working project I want to do, making me thankful for my garage and the tools in it.

7. A bottle of Jergen's original scent lotion. This lotion forever reminds me of my mom's mom, "Mother". I don't even know that I really like the scent, but every time I put it on, I am reminded of my grandmother and I think of her with love. I am blessed that I have great memories of all of my grandparents that I knew.

8. An invitation to a party. If you aren't busy on August 25th, you can tag along with me to a Home and Garden Party. So, I am grateful for friends and for the chance to get together with them.

9. A camera. I'm thankful to be able to make a visual record of my family. I know that in other parts of the world, this concept is beyond comprehension. I am so thankful to be an American, because with all of our faults, with every thing that could be better about our country, it is still the best place in the world to live to me.

10. A school textbook. I am so blessed to be able to school my children at home. To know what is being taught to them. To know that their teacher is a Christian woman. To know what they are subjected to all day. To know how they are being treated by others and how they are treating others. To know what they are learning instead of waiting for a report card. To know what they need help with, so I can see that they get the help they need. To know what they are doing instead of asking at the end of the day what they did all day and hearing "nuthin - had recess." To be able to be the one who teaches them to read. That is a marvelous feeling. I have taken on a responsibility that at times seems overwhelming when I think about 6 years from now - but I know that this is what is best for my family and to be able to do it - such a blessing.

So how about you? What in your "yard of space" are you thankful for? Let me know if you continue the chain so I will be sure to check it out.