Monday, August 15, 2005

No more school room for us

I spent Sunday afternoon beginning to take apart my school room. Crazy, huh? But I decided that in the year or so that it has been mainly strictly a school room, we have had school in there about 5 days. I hate sitting in there. I feel confined. I feel like I am in school. I feel like a .....dare I say it -- teacher (gasp). So today began the transformation back to play room. The kids are excited that they are going to have a big room to play in again. I am excited because I am not going to feel guilty about NOT having school in there. I mean look at the name of our school - The Comfy Couch Academy. Does that name imply ROOM? Nope. So I am putting their TV up on one of the desks I built for them and keeping the other desk for their use. That will enable me to get rid of the TV stand and get the CD player off the floor. Then if I get my big desk out of there - they will have lots of room. I'm going to try and get that done this week -- in-between schooling on the couches.