Monday, July 04, 2005

I tried to get her to take Home Ec - but NOOOO

she wanted to take physics. Like that was going to help her in life. Andi and Big Guy came over last night about 9:30 to visit. They lit sparklers with Jacob and after he went to bed, they tried to talk me into going with them to Wal-Mart to get the stuff to make blizzards. Our local Dairy Queen is closed for remodeling and Big Guy has become quite the blizzard maker. But I was comfy, had on my pjs, and not really wanting to get out. But they are persistent if nothing else, so at 11:07 we left. I know the time because when I first told them "no, maybe another time" - well, that started a barrage of "how about now? It's another time, it's ____" every couple of minutes. And they wanted me to see their moon flower. This flower blooms at night - these beautiful huge white blooms. Then by 10 a.m, they wither and die. More come out the next night. So when we got to them about midnight - after going to Wal Mart for ice cream and butterfingers, it was in full bloom. The picture above is the flower in the withering state.

But anyway - back to what the title refers to. As we were sitting there eating our blizzards and they were congratulating me on being young and spontaneous (when I was feeling very old and tired), Andi was talking about how much she enjoys cooking now that she has a big kitchen. And she thinks she is getting to be pretty good at it. At that point Jacob sweetly reminded her about the cake she was making the other day. Seems she had trouble with box cake mixes. Little things like putting the eggs in them. But she said once she noticed those 2 oval white things sitting on the counter she did try to stir them into the batter in the pan. Didn't work. At all. Seems a half-way done cake is not the proper time to add eggs.

And Andi makes a lot of cake mixes. She and Jacob like to eat the little candy letters that go on top of the cakes. Several years ago, Andi couldn't resist and ate the R letter from the Happy Birthday letters they had bought. What to do? They shuffled the letters HPPYBITHDAY around a bit and came up with HIPPY BATH DAY. So a new tradition was born at their house. Everyone now has Hippy Bath Day cakes. Andi swears she is missing the Betty Crocker gene. I tell her it's just a recessive gene - she has to work for it.

Hippy Bath Day America.