Friday, June 03, 2005

Corn Pusher or Bread Lover? YOU DECIDE

There is a certain beautiful, joy- filled, gifted, recent college graduate and new homeowner in our family with whom I have an ongoing friendly dispute. I won't name names, but after I tell you her story, you can vote for who you think is right in this matter. I told her I was going to blog about this several weeks ago and every day she asks me the same question, "well, did you blog about corn pushing?" I have not yet - but am about to. This un-named individual after rejecting every name I suggested for her yet un-named blog also rejected the name suggestion, "Corn Pusher" I think that is a very appropriate name, perhaps you will too and she might change the name of her yet un-named blog to that. We shall see how the voting goes.

So this is her habit and her defense. First I should state that I know her mother well and she is a lovely woman. She has raised this young woman to be a responsible adult and in the "raising up" time, there were many, many lessons on manners. Writing thank you notes and table manners were right up there at the top of the gracious mom's list of items to teach the younger woman. The mom, bless her long-suffering soul, has always taught her children to NOT eat corn with their fingers - unless it is on the cob. Well, this particular ingrate, er, I mean child always gobbles her bread up while it is warm from the oven and then claims she has nothing left to push her corn onto the fork but her fingertips. She takes all of her fingertips and makes a lovely well shaped mound of corn on her fork. She does it without even looking she has done it for so many years. Note that there most likely is another eating utensil, such as a knife, right by her plate. So here are the questions which need deciding - please vote on both.

1. Is this un-named individual a corn pusher or bread lover? Both is not an acceptable answer. YOU must choose one or the other.

2. Should this un-named individual who was raised by a delightful woman use something other than her fingers or the fingers of one of her siblings or her husband to push corn with? Vote Yes or No, suggestions welcome.

Now, after you vote at my site, please go to
her site and vote. I will post a question there also. Thank you for your participation. The 500th person to vote will receive a wonderful prize. (I'm thinking that will give me lots of time to come up with a wonderful prize!)