Friday, June 03, 2005

Down to two kids

Wes and Ryan are the only ones at home this weekend. Jacob is staying a few days with my mom and Carly is staying with my dad. They will both come home spoiled. I was just in the shower and thinking back to when the last time was that there were only 2 kids in the house. To find two kids their ages, I would have to go back to 1990 - Andi was 6 and Zac was 5. Should be an interesting weekend. These guys play together most of the time anyway - so they might not even notice the others gone.

We had a good camping trip - right up until the rains came turning everything in sight into marshlands. Sara pointed out that despite weather forecasts I religiously check BEFORE I ever leave to go camping, it ALWAYS rains. I have considered hiring myself out to towns and farmers undergoing drought. All I have to do is camp and the rain will come. I think I could make a small fortune.

Last night after catching up on email and reading through my favorite blogs, I crawl into bed and just as I am about to drift off to sleep at midnight, I feel something crawling up my neck. I grab it, get to the bathroom, flick on the light with total disregard for the fact the light will shine in Bill's eyes and the fan will come on and look. It's a tick. YUCK. Of course, then I couldn't go to sleep till I had examined every area of my body - which took awhile. Having the half dollar size scar on my stomach from the beetle bug bite I got last year camping, I am in no hurry to get bitten by anything else. Since that bite, I have been unable to wear a bikini and this distresses me more than I might let on.