Friday, April 08, 2005

Today is Jacob's birthday

My son is 8 today. I remember it so well - the day he was born. After months of checking in and out of the hospital for premature labor and weeks of bedrest, an induction date was finally scheduled. Of course I went into labor the during night before he was to be born and he was actually born 22 minutes after his scheduled induction time. My dear husband upon seeing his first child born, the longed for son, the flesh of his flesh, the fruit of his loin, leaned over and uttered those oh so romantic words every new mother longs to hear, "I'll get that vasectomy now." And he did.

Jacob was the "surprise" child who arrived in my late 30's. I have to admit I thought God was way off base. But God knew EXACTLY what I needed. This little man has brought untold joy into our house. So much laughter. So much fun. If it weren't for him, there would have been no other children, so he is also directly responsible for the addition of 3 more children - whose lives were forever changed the day they were removed from foster care.
I thank God every day for my children and I am certainly blessed beyond measure.