Thursday, April 07, 2005

Marshmallow Catapults

Yesterday we had a war. Oh, it didn't start out as war. It started out as a science experiment. First we made catapults with plastic spoons, varying heights of blocks of wood, rulers, duct tape and rubber bands. The concept was simple. Line up the four catapults, load up the marshmallow and chart how far each marshmallow would fly based on how far you could pull the spoon down. So we did that........briefly. Then someone (most likely Jacob) thought it would be cool to see if he could make a marshmallow land on the ceiling fan blade. No. But he could make a marshmallow skip 4 times across my head. In all fairness, he was aiming for my mouth and I had OK'd this plan. Just so you know -- a marshmallow skipping on your head feels really strange. All in all, we went through a whole bag of ammo that had been intended for a campout this weekend. For awhile it looked like a hailstorm in the kitchen. The kids had a ball and it was hilarious to watch.

The great marshmallow war. Wes is eating the ammo and Carly dressed in her finest for battle. Posted by Hello