It's a good day
Andi is feeling pretty well today. I took her to her family doctor this morning who thinks that perhaps she has a leak where they did the spinal tap. He is contacting an anesthesiologist about doing something called a blood patch. This would involve Andi having another spinal tap and the doctor injecting blood into her spinal fluid. Then, if there was a leak, the blood goes to where the leak is and forms a clot over it. He seems to think that this could be the reason Andi always seems to get worse when she is upright. All of her dizziness, headache and speech tend to be worse once she is up.
Andi, however, is not particularly in agreement with this plan, since the spinal tap hurt like all get out. (Just as a side thought - what the heck does all get out mean anyway?) She is more in favor of continuing the acupuncture for another week and seeing if that does the trick before subjecting herself to another spinal tap. The chiropractor thinks if Andi had a leak of spinal fluid, it would hurt immediately every time she sat up - not after awhile. Since his plan is the least painful of the two, I'm thinking she will go with the "wait and see" approach.
Today is a good day so far for Andi. Her headache is manageable, her dizziness minimal and her speech has been pretty clear about 90% of the day. Andi doesn't particularly care what caused this or why it won't go away, she just wants to feel better.