Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dr. Myracle

Nope, that's not a typo. That is the orthodontist that the kids see. As I was pumping gas into my car the other day in Cincinnati, my phone rang. Despite signs not to use it, I answered it - I'm such a rebel at times. Perhaps that's why Jacob feels the need to touch anything that has a "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH" sign in front of it.

Anyway, it was the orthodontist's wife on the phone. She also happens to be his office manager, so this isn't as strange as it might be otherwise. She tells me that he would like to make Carly another retainer - FREE OF CHARGE- because he really felt like she was making progress and he would hate to see her go without treatment.

Now, I could look at this two ways. One -- he's trying to guilt us into saying, "Oh, thanks anyway, but if you really think she's doing so well, we'll pay for another one." -- but I think he knows that's not the case. Or, two -- he is sincere. I've always liked this couple.

He's the only doctor I've ever seen that keeps tracts in their office explaining the plan of salvation. Plus, a few years ago, when my dad got confused about meeting me there to drop off Carly and never showed up, his wife called the next day just to check and make sure that both dad and Carly were OK. They are my kind of orthodontic team.

After much discussion, I accepted their offer and Carly will be re-retained shortly

And no, this can't be a permanent retainer. I've already asked.