Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We interrupt this regularly scheduled jaunt to bring you reality

Our day has been filled with all sorts of pictures. Some are beautiful.

Some are fun - such as when Wes and Ryan both decided to go for it and go down the slide. This was amazing to me that Wesley would be so daring -- yesterday his shoe lace got caught on the escalator at the aquarium and he was screaming bloody murder. I figured that would set him back years in his anxiety management, but he seems to have recovered quite nicely.

and some are just plain ugly.

On his first trip down the water slide yesterday, Jacob landed with his toes curled under him. Not a good position to land in. I went to CVS today to buy some adhesive tape to tape his toes and check to see if there was a walk in clinic (or hobble in as the case may be) and the nice lady there called her own doctor and got us an appointment. Jacob has chipped a piece of bone off of his toe, has a fracture in the toe and a possible fracture of the growth plate in his toe.

While I watch the rest of the kids swim, he is now resting in the room, foot elevated and iced, orthopaedic boot on and crutches by his side. Not exactly what we had planned for the day. The doctor sent us with his x-rays and if it still hurts next week, we will have a follow up appointment with our orthopaedic doctor.