Thursday, December 10, 2009

The cards for Ryan keep coming in

Yesterday, Ryan got this way cool card from Deanne and her family who are currently living in Hong Kong. He got cards from Amanda today, who lives in Canada as well as a bunch from Janelle's class in Colorado.
Also in today's mail was a letter from Lynn in Seattle and Barbara, from America Samoa, sent a very cute Christmas card. Where is America Samoa anyway?

Ryan's letter box is filled with love and well wished from all over the world as well as many from friends right around here. When Wes goes out to check the mail, Ryan is always eagerly waiting for him to get back.

He was worried that after I posted about his talk about s*e*x, people wouldn't like him any more. I was able to assure him that wasn't the case at all

Thanks for loving and praying for my kid. It's an investment in time that is already paying off.