Busy weekend
We all had a busy weekend. Bill took Wesley, Ryan, Jacob and Tim to Nashville where they went to Bass Pro Shop and then to a Nascar truck race. Wesley wanted to wear his ever present Jeff Gordon jumpsuit, but I managed to talk him out of it -- well, actually, I just told him NO. It was for his own good, since the suit is long sleeve, polyester.
Carly and I watched the babies, while Andi and Big Guy worked. I painted trim while they were at work and when they got home, we worked on Keegan's room until late into the night. He will hopefully be in the room by this weekend.
Carly had Cami come spend the night and the guys rolled in some time after midnight. After church Sunday, Carly, Wes and Ryan went swimming at the Fortman's, while Jacob and I stayed to help with the back to school outreach at church. This year our church provided school supplies to almost 500 kids.
In past years we have always gone out to the line -- which starts forming by about 10 and told the people that if they would like to come into service, they would be able to get their supplies immediately after church instead of waiting until 2. Nobody has ever taken us up on that offer. I'm not sure what was different about this year - the weather was even cooler than in years past, but yesterday morning, I was able to convince about 12 families to come on in for church. That was awesome.
Some people may go to church on on Christmas or Easter -- and these guys may only go on Back to School outreach day -- but at least they were able to hear that God loves them yesterday morning.