Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just a swingin'

Sophie and Keegan got a new swing set at Baba and Mamaw's house today. Billski was surprised to come home and find it in the garage the other day. Today, I took Carly and Wesley to my moms to leave them for a few days and I was surprised to come home and find it assembled - especially since it was so cold today it was spitting snow around here.

It's nothing fancy - just a cheap one that will rust out and be trash at about the same time they will be too big for it. But for the next few years, I expect they will get lots of use out of it.

In fact, Sophie couldn't quite get over it being "made for her." Keegan was happy just to get to swing. We will get his baby swing attached this week, so he had a bit of help today.

And although Sophie knows how to make her own swing pump, she still hasn't mastered that little thing called, "shoes on the right feet." Luckily, with goulashes, it doesn't matter so much.