Just junk
Yet another mish mash post of stuff just to keep myself updated. My keyboard died, so I'm typing on one that used to be my dad's. I don't like the sound of it. You know how some keyboards make a really cool sound when you type on them -- and you sound like you are typing at the speed of sound. This keyboard makes the sound of an old printing press or mimeograph machine and with every click on the space bar you sound like the drum is turning again and another copy is churning out. Not cool.
I'm taking Molly to the vet this morning..........hmmmm in 34 minutes and I haven't showered yet. Perhaps I should make this short. Anyhoo, she has sore spot on her, so we will go invest some more money into this free dog to see what's wrong with her.
I have court this afternoon for a CASA case and it promises to be heated. Can't say I'm really looking forward to that but sometimes what's best for a child isn't what they think is best for a child. Zac has been taking classes to become a CASA volunteer and he finishes those next week. He already has his first case waiting on him. The need for volunteers is great and if you are interested in more information, let me know. We have another training class starting next month.
I have had a lot of response for donations for Colleen from her house fire. THANK YOU. I will be meeting my brother this morning and he is taking the first load of clothes and such. I will be taking a load of furniture on Friday. Right now they are staying in a motel while they look for a place to rent.