Today we read about Samurai warriors in our history lesson. In their spare time, Samurais were known to be very gentle people, often artists and poets. They specialized in Haiku.
I wasn't feeling quite up to supervising Samurai fighting, but we did stop to write some Haikus.
Carly's included:
Baby Keegan plays,
Baby Keegan is sitting.
Keegan loves me lots.
Mom loves me so much
Mom cooks very good food. Yum.
Mom is the best mom.
and then in a total change of mood....
Death can hurt a lot.
Death can give you lots of pain.
Nobody likes death.
Wesley was not much of a poet. He didn't like it, but his contribution was
Sophie is my niece
Sophie loves her Uncle Wes.
Keegan is my friend.
Jacob's plethora included:
The dog eats vomit.
Spit it out dog. Spit it out!
The dog is Molly.
The man with the dough.
Yes, he is the money man.
He loves money so.
Family is so good.
Love will fix all broken hearts.
Family is best love.
School is good. Gripe not.
School is not fun, but school good.
Love school? I do not.
Hunger has ahold me.
Food is all that can beat it.
Hunger is so bad.