Friday, January 23, 2009


This whole Mamaw gig can't be beat. I'm here to tell you. I love to answer the phone and hear Sosie say, "Mamaw, you please get me. I come to your house to play, OK?" What's a Mamaw to say? No? I don't think so. My response is most often, "I'll be right there. Put your rainboots on." I love her boots.

She stayed all night last weekend with Sherie & Mike, (who she calls Pop). Pop made her pancakes for breakfast Saturday morning and when he told her they were ready she was frantically saying "Call Mamaw. Pancakes. Mamaw. Pancakes. Call Mamaw." So they called to see what was wrong with her. If she hated pancakes or something. But no. Sos and I go get pancakes a lot of Saturday mornings. It's sort of our thing. She just wanted Mamaw there to eat pancakes with her.

I highly recommend living close to your grandkids if at all possible. Keegan is developing more of a personality with each passing day. He and I are going to have our own things to do as he grows up, too. He's still in the discovering noses and eyes phase but I can tell - our time is coming soon.

And I can't wait for it.