Hardly feeling creative but
both Mari and Melene have passed an award my way this last week for that very thing. I'm supposed to name six things that make me happy, so here they are in no particular order:
1. A dog that rides in the car, without barking or puking.
2. A dog that will lay still and let you cut matted hair off of it for as long as you want - until you give up.
3. A dog that will jump into a crate in the back of the car when you say.
4. A dog that will let Sophie and Keegan "play" with him and not get mad.
5. A dog that is going to the groomer tomorrow to try to become presentable.
6. A dog that is obviously smart and loving.
Pictures tomorrow, but I'm telling you, Atticus has been a "woods" dog for 2 years and it shows. If his hair can be saved at all, it will be super short.
My brain is too tired to think of who I would pass this along to, so why doesn't everyone just list 6 things they like - I'm sure I'll learn alot about all of you.