Monday, August 04, 2008

Back to School Outreach

Yesterday was our Back to School outreach at church. We supplied school supplies to approximately 375 kids in our community. It's always an eye opener to see how long people will stand in line for these supplies. We don't start until 2 pm. Yesterday the first people arrived at 10:15.

They were invited inside to the service, because if you attend church, you don't have to wait in line, you can just get served right when church is over. Rather than do that, they chose to sit in the heat for almost 4 hours. By the time church was over, the line was snaking around the building. We provide ice water and frozen treats while they wait, but still, I can't imagine having to wait that long. Schools want kids to bring so much school supplies though, the expense would certainly be overwhelming if you had several kids to take care of.

Andi is always in charge of securing hair stylists to donate their time and give free haircuts. Yesterday, there were 13 who came and in 90 minutes, gave 99 haircuts.

During this outreach, the kids of everyone working are invited to go swim down the road at one of the teacher's home. They always have a great time doing that. Jacob stayed at church and helped for the third year. I think it's an eye opener for him when he sees the kids come through, so excited to be getting a bottle of glue.