They call me Mellow Yellow
Do I have other things I should be doing today? Yes.
Are they getting done? Obviously not, since I seem to be doing nothing but posting on my blog today. But I was reading Lori's blog, and in a further attempt to accomplish pretty much nothing today, I thought I would take the Crayon color quiz. After all, doesn't everyone want to know what color they really are?
My color "analysis" cracked me up. Who sits around and thinks up these quizzes for bored people such as myself today to do? I'm sure there's lots of days there are people around me that wish I'd never gotten out of bed.
My yellow color says "The clouds part and the smell of daffodils and daisies fill the air when you are around. Your sunny disposition cheers most, and makes others (the jealous and bitter ones) wish you'd never gotten out of bed."
P.S. I didn't make up the jealous and bitter part. That's part of the analysis.