Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Prayer request from Linda

Our daughter Hosanna has been in the hospital for over a week now with pneumonia. It seems so much longer... She has cystic fibrosis. That would be enough in itself but Jim visited her tonight and she is unresponsive to sound.

The antibiotic that she is on when given IV, can cause deafness, which is one reason that they take blood constantly in what are called peaks and trough levels. A blood level of over 2 mcg/ml is considered high enough that the medication is starting to accumulate too high in the tissues. Hosanna is at Hershey Med. Center which is a teaching hospital so resident level doctors work on the patients.

A resident miscalculated Hosanna's meds and her trough was 22.3; 22.3- when over 2 is dangerous enough to cause kidney damage and hearing loss by 8th cranial nerve damage.

Her level now is 0.7, which is normal but the literature from the drug manufacturer says that even if the drug is stopped hearing loss can still occur, as the medication in the tissues is still absorbed by the body.

Hosanna is blind, and her one love in life was music and sound. Please please pray for any hearing loss to be transient and that God will restore her hearing. There would not be enough money in this world to give her back her hearing.

Please feel compelled to put her on every pray list you have. We need divine intervention. Tonight my heart aches for my daughter. Thank you.

Jim and Linda Litschi

I KNOW God is able to make the deaf hear. He did it for my own precious grandchild. Please, please pray that He restores Hosanna's hearing.