Team Bolline
Lindsey surprised the kids this week with their own Team Bolline shirts for the March of Dimes Walk for Babies. The team of Adam and Andrew raised almost $5,000!
We were glad to be a part of the long distance team and very honored that she chose Zac to be on the shirt. The front of the shirt says, "For this child I prayed." We have been praying for Adam and Andrew every day for weeks before they were even born.
Every time I read about something new that Andrew has accomplished I think he is not going to let the effects of his prematurity define him, but rather he is defining what an awesome God we serve. He continues to do great and exceed all of the doctor's expectations. One by one he is overcoming every obstacle that was predicted for him.
Thanks so much, Lindsey & congratulations for doing such a great job for the March of Dimes.