Thursday, February 21, 2008

Krispy Kremes -

Need a good deal? Our ladies group at church is having a little project and I happen to be a team leader of a great bunch of ladies. We are to use a hundred dollars provided by the ladies group to do something good for our community. We added a bit of money to our hundred and bought 100 Krispe Kreme Fundraiser cards to sell.

All the profit from our sales will go to Grace House, a Christian based residential facility in Evansville for women who are overcoming their addictions. They live there for an average of 18 months.

We hope to raise a thousand dollars with our sales. The fundraiser cards sell for 12 bucks. The card entitles you to a free dozen glazed donuts every time you buy a dozen - for a total of 10 dozen free donuts. So you are getting 10 dozen donuts for 12 bucks. These cards also have NO expiration date on them.

If you are interested, let me know. I can get you a card if you live around here or mail you one if you would like to mail me a check or pay with Paypal.

YEAH - Spellcheck is working again!!!!!