Friday, January 11, 2008

Wild Birthday Celebration

The festivity of it all. To recap the day so far, I have:

1. Went to the jewelry store to buy a watch pin;
2. Took Wesley to the eye doctor for new glasses;
3. Dropped off a saw blade to be sharpened;
4. Picked up a backpack I had monogrammed for Sophie;
5. Met with the parents of one of my CASA cases;
6. Went to the Hallmark store to buy a baby gift;
7. Stopped by the bank to pick up some checkbook registers;
8. Helped Zac file his taxes for the last 2 years;
9. Filed a court report;
10. Did a load of laundry;
11. Washed a bunch of veggies for Susan, who is doing the Daniel Fast;
12. Picked up a T-shirt for Carly;
13. Unloaded my beloved garage fridge, because Andi's broke and she needed one.

Exciting times for sure. The evening hours look more promising as some friends are coming over and we are having strombolis (except Susan), playing some games and watching the season premier of Monk & Psych.

Wild and crazy. That's us.