Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Table for Marcus

Marcus is 16. I have known him since he was 2-- practically his whole life.

Marcus has
Urea Cycle Disorder and because of that - Marcus is dying. The strand of Urea Cycle Disorder that Marcus has is extremely rare - he is one of 26 people currently diagnosed... in the world. There are 2 doctors in the United States that specialize in this disorder. Thankfully, one of them practices at Vanderbilt - only about 3 hours away from our town. Marcus, at age 16, is his oldest living patient.

Melanie, my friend and his mom had to quit her job in order for Marcus to be able to be on Medicaid so that his extensive hospital bills would be paid. They have had to file for bankruptcy because of the overwhelming expenses they have incurred reaching this diagnosis.

Marcus is aware that he is dying and has planned his own funeral. He wants his belongings sold and the proceeds given to his church youth group.

Saturday night there is a benefit dinner and auction for the family. I am donating the table and several cheesecakes to the auction.

If you would like to donate to the family, you can do so by sending your donation via paypal to You can also contact me at that address about sending a check. You can trust that I will make sure your money is given to them.

Prayers would certainly be appreciated for him and his family. They have been told that Marcus should just slip into a coma some day and go home to Jesus. In the meantime, please keep his family, his mom and dad, Dennis & Melanie and his brothers, Scott (18) & Evan (8) in your prayers as they watch Marcus slip further and further away from them.