Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Pizza Pot Pie

I don't have a picture because I was going to bring some home from cooking class this evening, but it was all eaten! Even after I mentioned OUT LOUD that I was saving the rest for Bill's lunch -- those girls just didn't care if Billski got to eat or not. So trust me on this -- this was a yummy, yummy dish - easy to make and everyone loved it. Here's how I did it:

Grease a pie pan and put a thawed pie crust in it. Have a mixture prepared of whatever you want in your pizza pie. I had browned ground beef, onion and chopped pepperoni. To my mixture I added one small jar of pizza sauce and some mozzarella cheese. Mix it all up, plop it in the pan and top with another crust.

Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes till crust is browned. Let it sit about 5 minutes and then cut like a pie.

This was absolutely GREAT and everyone loved it. You can add browned, crumbled sausage, green peppers, mushrooms - whatever you like. I can't imagine any kid not liking this meal. Mine have already requested it for tomorrow.