Wednesday, December 05, 2007

This is not the time for originality

That being said, I'm going to follow Patricia's example and answer these questions from a 1967 Tiger Beat magazine. I can't help but wonder if she has this magazine hidden off somewhere but reading her answers has made me think of Parker Stevenson twice this week after not having thought of him in years. That's not a bad thing either. Parker and Shaun Cassidy. My younger brother always thought he WAS Shaun Cassidy. The Do Run Run Run, the Do Run Run... Ah, what a classic.

I was feeling so lazy I'm not even going to capitalize the beginning of her sentences because it would take so long to do it and now it's taken longer to explain why I didn't do it than it would have to just have done it. But I didn't do it - so there.

what is your favorite flower? Tulips

what is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked? Would you like fries with that? Of course I want fries - look at me. Do I look like I pass up fries? What a dumb question.

what word in the english language do you wish you’d invented? snacktivity. I'm really having a hard time getting over that one.

where would you like to live? right here. I'm quite content.

what is the first quote that comes to your mind? "Randy laid there like a slug. It was his only defense." (I'm deep, aren't I?")

what do you miss about your childhood? my maw-maw's hugs where she just wrapped you up in her arms and practically smothered you, playing in the woods behind our house or riding my bike like we were in a rodeo or a circus

who's your favorite villain? drawing a blank (which is what I often think I should have named my blog)

what was your favorite subject in school? journalism

in what hour of the day do you function best? 9:14 - 10:14 am

if you could change your name, what would you change it to? O. Wise 1

what is the main fault in your character? bullheadedness

who is your favorite historical figure? Jesus

what in the world do you least desire? to move

finish this sentence: “happiness is a thing called…” kids