Thursday, December 06, 2007

Busy Day Ahead -- Bwoup Bwoup

In case you don't know - Bwoup Bwoup is a sound, not really a word. But when I think of phrases like "Busy Day Ahead" my mind immediately inserts the sound of a sing songy alarm and I envision an old police car with one bubble light on the top of it and Bwoup Bwoup is how that sound is spelled - I think. Probably not though because the sound definitely has 2 syllables in my mind and I don't see how Bwoup could have. Anyway, that is what is going on in my brain at this early hour of the morning.

I'm going to go buy some kerosene to fire up my torpedo heater and get the makings for some cheesecakes while I'm out. Then I have to start on a piece of furniture I'm building for Sonya. After the boards are put together with biscuits (the wood kind) and painted, I'm going to make some cheesecakes.

The mom of the bride for the wedding in January that I am making the cheesecakes for is coming to town tomorrow and I want to give her some samples to take home to the bride. That was certainly a convoluted sentence, so if you followed that one, consider yourself special.

Anyway, Sherie said my slogan should be, "Cheesecakes and the table to eat them off of" -- she's got a keen mind, I tell you.

At some point this morning, I will drive Andi out to pick up her new mom mobile and assuming she doesn't decide to have a baby today, then tonight is our ladies dinner and auction at church. That should be much fun.

I have a friend that is coming --- and "friend" if Andi should happen to be in labor in the hospital, I still want you to come. You will know all kinds of people there, I'm sure. (I started to put "lots of people", but truly "all kinds" probably makes more sense.)

That's it from this cold little corner of the country (although really - how is Indiana in any corner of the country?) so scratch that and I'll just get going now.

As I was spell checking this (where once again I spelled definitely wrong), I just got the feeling that Andi WILL go into labor today. What better day than a day I have lot of things planned? I can almost hear God laughing now. I think He does that a lot when we make plans.

Guess what? I spelled it wrong AGAIN in that last paragraph I just added. What is it with me and the word that is the 12th word in the above paragraph? I'm not typing it again. I may never type it again because every time I spell it wrong. I have such a mind block over THAT word. That's it. I've made a decision. I'm never using THAT word again because I spell it wrong 100 percent of the time. So that's it. Definetly done with that word which is always spelled wrong. Including now.