Monday, December 17, 2007

A little off color

Not this post - Keegan. He has been jaundiced for a few days and each day turns him a little bit more yellow. Andi and I took him to the hospital today for a weight check (5 pounds, 14 ounces) and they suggested that a bilirubin test be done.

After a quick call to the doctor, one was ordered and after getting the results back this evening, the doctor ordered a bili-blanket. Of course in our small town, no such thing is to be found, so one was delivered to the house from 2 counties away. The lady showed up with it about 9:30 this evening and after a very brief tutorial (hook this up, wrap this, tape this, turn this on and wear it 23 hours a day) she was gone and we were left to hook, wrap, tape and turn it on.

Keegan is now glowing and will be glowing for a few days at least.

Andi also has to nurse Keegan every 2 hours around the clock and after he is done eating, supplement the nursing with finger feeding. So she is the nurser - I am in charge of the tube feedings. Hopefully, this will only have to be done for a few days. Once he is feeling better when his bilirubin goes down, then he should be awake more and ready to feed more.