Saturday, December 15, 2007

A House Divided

It was just 2 months ago that we survived - even enjoyed - our first family vacation ever. With that vacation fresh in our mind, we are going to do it again.......take a vacation, that is. Just not together.

Bill is making preparations for his annual fishing trip to Florida. He has taken Jacob the last couple of years and this year, he's taking not only the boat and Jacob..........but Carly as well.

After fishing for a few days, the plan is to take in Disney and Universal Studios, which is something he has been trying to convince me to do since the year we met. I have zero desire to do that but Jacob and Carly are very excited to be going. On the other hand.......

Wes and Ryan do not want to go. I don't think I can emphasize how much Wesley does not want to go -- but his refusal went something like this:

"I do not want to go on this trip." (Wes hardly ever uses contractions for some reason.) He went on, "I hate fishing. I hate fishing a lot. I will choose to just stay at home with mom and hang out. I like to hang out. I do not like to fish. I have seen Disney on TV and I do not want to go there. I do not like to go to amusement parks. I just want to be at my home. I am cool with that plan. I will even do my school work while you are on vacation and that will be fine with me. You can mail me a postcard."

Hard to argue with a kid who has his mind set in concrete and is willing to do school work. Ryan was just about as adamant. So the boys and I will hang out at home and Bill will take Jacob and Carly and go to Florida in February.

And me --- well, I will get to sleep without the clown noise for 10 days. As Wes says, "I am cool with that plan."