Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas vacation

The kids are enjoying their week off from school, but haven't yet caught on to the fact that they are doing spelling and vocabulary as they play Chunks.

How's that old saying go? "What they don't know won't hurt them." Well, in this case, it happens to be true.

Jacob and I worked in the garage yesterday, making a new work bench and a table for my router Billski bought me for Christmas. Today we are going to clean and re-arrange things out there to make it more efficient.

This week is also a busy one in the kitchen. I have 14 cheesecakes to make for Rachel's wedding next weekend, so we started that yesterday, too.

Jacob and I went to buy cream cheese last night after everyone was gone to bed and just so you can be prepared -- should you buy 52 packages at a time, be prepared for some pretty strange looks.

After we got done at the grocery we stopped by Andi's to see how she was feeling (not much better) and drop off a tape of the Women's Murder Club. We only intended to stay a few minutes, but got sucked into the abyss known as the Wii and before you know it -- many, many minutes had passed.