Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Update on Seth from Vicki

Hey Perri,

I thought I would send you an update. We cannot have our phones on in the room so I thought I would email you. If you wouldn't mind sending this onto others that would be great. I am sorry I have not talked to you myself, I have not really talked to anyone without crying, so I just gave my phone to Teri yesterday. Anyway, Seth had a good night until around 5 am.

They have begun taking him off of all of the medications, including the sedation that helped him rest. So far his body is not showing any signs of rejecting the cadaver part WOHOO PRAISE THE LORD! He is in a lot of pain today and seems to be sad. Everything on him is hurting, including his hips. They keep coming in and out because of his position in the bed. When they strip his drain tube to measure his chest drainage, it about sends him into orbit. They have been great about upping his morphine before they do anything big, but it is a hard day. He has been very weepy today. We were able to put up many of the pictures that have been made for him and that helped. Thanks to all!

I will update again tonight.