Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Seth's Surgery

Seth did great during surgery. The surgeons were not able to use the bovine part they had intended to use due to a mis-match in size. They had to use a cadaver part which wasn't his blood type, so that means it will build up calcium and have to be replaced sooner than if they had been able to use the bovine part.

He came off the bypass machine easily and came out of surgery without even being on a ventilator. The surgery was "picture perfect and many prayers were answered today" according to Seth's dad.

Please continue to keep Seth and his family in your prayers. I don't know how often they will update this, but Brent & Vicki have set up a Caring Bridge site for Seth. Type in the name Seth Spaulding for updates.

And, yes, I know I put Seth's last name - I cleared that first with his parents.