Thursday, November 15, 2007

Seems I've been negligent again

in my mothering. I was singing The Wizard of Oz theme song a few days ago and the little kids didn't know the words! Hard to believe right? Then it turns out that they had NEVER seen the movie. How did they get to be so old and have never seen this classic?

Andi and I plan on remedying this oversight in the next week. It's not like she has places to go or anything. To prepare them, I taught them all the theme song yesterday on the way to visit my dad. An hour of non-stop repetitive, "He really is a wiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was." They are almost a wiz at singing it. As Jacob was quick to point out, "That's catchy."

Having seen their dancing skills, the jaunt down the yellow brick road may take some time.