Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ask Dr. Janet.......sure, OK

Family Circle has a psychiatrist, who is also a "personal growth" coach, that writes a monthly feature called, ask dr. janet.

This month's column has a question that begins, "Whenever I reprimand my 10 year old, she rolls her eyes, which makes me want to scream."

The highly educated dr. janet's offers up this advice which includes saying, "When you do that, I feel like you don't respect me. Can you tell me what's going on?"

At that point, I'm sure the child is expected to just open up and a long, in-depth, dialogue will just naturally flow that will bring you both closer to each other than you've ever been.

That's sweet, isn't it? Can you hear the bluebirds twittering as this happens? Good for you. Now, insert sound of reality screeching like a needle on an old 45.

If that doesn't work, you can also try dr. perri's advice. I have found that a lightening quick thump down on top of their head with your open palm will make those eyes go back into their proper position fast. Extensive research has shown that to be quite effective for their personal growth as that particular behavior doesn't repeat itself often after that.

I wonder if Women's Day needs a columnist?