Thursday, October 18, 2007

This whole labeling my old posts thing

has really been interesting. It's fun for me to go read what we did just a couple of years ago. I can imagine how much fun it will be for my kids to read when they are old enough.

I might feel kinda bad that I let Jacob dupe them so, but then again, I may not. I'm laughing just remembering this great event of 2005.

So, we did several scientific experiments and then I ran across this jewel which we modified somewhat. Get ready to take notes. Here's how it goes:

Clear the room of your "victims." (in this case, Carly, Wesley and Ryan). Take a clear jar and add a yellow carbonated beverage (Mt. Dew here of course). Drop in several raisins. Wait a few minutes while they plump up.

Call the little kids back into the room. Show them the "sewer water" and the little sewer bugs - which look like little pieces of poop by now.

As the carbonated bubbles surround the raisins, they float to the top. Then the bubbles release into the air and they sink again.

They will do this again and again and it looks like "things" swimming in there. Dare the kids to try a drink. Try to appear understanding when they say NO WAY.

Jacob charges money from them to take a drink himself. Watch as they RUN to their banks to see Jacob drink sewer water. Jacob drinks down the dew while talking about Fear Factor.

He pretends to be on the verge of sickness. Jacob cues me to dare him to eat the "bugs." Watch little kids cheer. Charge more money.

Watch them trip over each other as they run as fast as possible back to their banks. I collect second round of money.

Open the lid and Jacob tosses back the bugs. Opens mouth in mid chew with some "bugs" on the tip of your tongue. I try not to laugh at the horrified looks on the little kids.

Jacob pretends to faint. Listen to Carly scream, "he's dead." I tell Carly that she has to kiss Jacob to revive him. Watch Carly balk as she silently tells Jacob good-bye.

Finally give into the laughter. Swear Jacob to secrecy as this prank will be good for years to come. Oh - and give back the money.